Sound Solutions that Resonate

QRDc spins off a new company: SheerWind, Inc.

SheerWind will commercialize the wind power generation technology initially developed by the QRDC team.  With the President’s goal of generating 80% of the nation’s electricity from clean energy by 2035, the country is in dire need of a leap-frog technology that can competitively extract energy from our green resources such as wind, solar, and geothermal.  QRDC has developed and patented one such approach that reduce the cost of generating electricity from wind to below the current cost of the country’s least expensive conventional approaches.  Additional advantages of this technology over the conventional wind turbine approach will include:

  • Less environmental impact, particularly on wildlife and farm animals
  • Elimination of “Wind Turbine Syndrome”, a serious health concern to humans caused by the low-frequency pressure oscillations produced by conventional turbines
  • Decreased maintenance cost by more than 50%
  • Near zero down-time

The spun-off company, SheerWind, was officially launched in January 2011.